It's true. I have had 5 kids since 1994. Things are supposed to improve over the course of time; and things have. We have nice small little IPODS with personalized music, DVDs instead of VHS, faster computer times.
Baby items have even improved since my last 2 kids. Better high chairs, video monitors, more of selection in everything...
But diapers have taken a dump! I have used pampers, and then Luvs on all of my kids (Huggies were smelly and seemed to give my kids diaper rash). I could accidently go for 1/2 a day forgetting to change a wet diaper and no problem except the saggy baggy look. NOW however, if I haven't changed a diaper in the last 2 hours, I KNOW! I go to pick up Tyson and it leaks right through the diaper itself! Not out of the side stuff either. I even have to change his diaper once in the middle of the night or he will wake up to wet bedsheets, YUCK! I have NEVER had to change so many clothes and wash so many sheets/blankets! UGH!

I have tried EVERY different brand out there. My LUVS failed me, all store brands, even Pampers. I was willing to spend the extra $$ on the Supremes and Ultras but to no avail. I finally resorted to the dreaded HUGGIES which for me haven't worked with my kids. No, not any better AND yes, diaper rash! What is it about Baaks and Huggies that don't mix. So, back to the least offenders, Pampers Supreme.
So what is it? I think it has to do with those lovely little silicone bubbles that used to be in the diapers, remember those? Or rather, the lack of them. I heard someone say they took them out so diapers would degrade better in the landfills. They do feel a lot thinner and boy do they work like they're thinner. I'm all for going Green but seriously, can't they make them any better than this? Or is it all a diaper company scam? Really, sometimes I wonder. I have to buy 1/3 more diapers than I used to.
All I know is I am so glad to be almost done with the diaper stage forever... HOORAY! To all you my dear friends, who have many more diaper days to go..... have you ever heard of plastic pants? Good luck! I just hope they figure it out before I'm a grandma.
Everything is relative..... just remember in my day we only had clothe haven't had a real diaper experience until you've had to wash out a poopy diaper in the toilet. Ha ha
Erin is sitting here next to me holding little Calan. She is still on cloud nine!!!! When she can pry her hands off of Calan she will do a new post. She sends you her love and thanks you for your love and concern.
Love, Lura
I use Huggies (pampers give my kids rashes!) and they still have those little beady thingys. One went in the washing machine and got all over everything. Yuck. I love the way pampers smell I have always wanted to use them, but to no avail. Does this child pee more maybe?
Hey I forgot to ask... Are you in the ward with all the FRye's now? Johnny and April, Jack and Carol Anne, Jaki and Scott clawson, and Julie? They are good friends of ours. You know who I am right? Melissa Taylor? I just realized that I might have never left a comment on your blog before. but I check it from time to time... sorry if I'm rambling. Anyway I hope you enjoy your new ward. I feel the moving pain. Boy do I feel it.
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