Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We are your typical family; we work together, play together, go to school together, eat together, etc. We have a typical day like most other families filled with school events, sport events, church events, playdates, shopping, homework etc. All is well and goes along until....

BEDTIME. That's when the sneaky little Night-itis bug creeps up. We have the normal bedtime ritual, family prayer, baths, healthy snack, bedtime story, brush our teeth.. All is well until the head hits the pillow. That's when IT hits. That creepy little night-itis bug that makes everything that went unnoticed all day long creep up... "mom, my eyes hurt!" "My leg, where I hurt it last week, really hurts!" "Mom, I itch all over!" "Mom, don't you see that tiniest of sliver in the bottom of my foot? Even though I've been running on my foot all day long it suddenly hurts NOW and I CAN'T go to bed." It all leads to "Mom I just CAN'T go to sleep!"

That creepy little Night-itis bug likes to make all sorts of things happen so growing little children don't want to go to sleep which is so important because that's the all important regenerative state when kids grow big and strong!

Fortuantely, this mom learned the cure long ago....."Lay down, close your eyes, pretend to sleep for just 10 minutes and it'll go away. I'll come and check on you then..."

Surprisingly enough, 10 minutes later (sometimes even less!) they've tricked that night-itis bug to BUG OFF and they are blissfully regenerating and growing healthy and stronger and almost (not quite yet Kierstin & Brad) taller than mom!

But seriously, it is considerably tiring fighting that little Bug almost every night!


Erin said...

Patrick does the exact same thing... he's got a bad case of night-itis! He hates to go to bed before midnight, while I, on the other hand am ready by 9:30!

Michele said...

I just had the same problem tonight... I'm going to try that "pretend to sleep 10 minutes!" Thanks!

Kristin said...

Yes, I read my comments! I miss you! Sophie and I drove your old house after school and she said, "I miss Brian." As far as bedtime goes, have you tried waking them up at 4:00 am and not letting them nap? (hee hee) just kidding. We have always struggled with bedtime. I love the pretend to sleep bit. Must try!