Sunday, January 4, 2009

Brad's Christmas Concert

Part of the perks of middle school is that you get to choose an elective. Bradley was going to choose Band but the guidance counsellor talked him into taking choir and boy is he glad he is. He enjoyed it so much that he tried out for the honors all boy ensemble and made it. There aren't many 6th graders in it, just a couple. He gets to have his own tux and got to go to Disneyland the Friday before school got out to perform and then enjoy the rest of the day.

Also, that week before, they had the Christmas concert. Man, does my boy look good in a tux or what?

It was fun to get to hear him sing and dress up.

Bradley can not only sing but comes fully loaded with the full set of dimples too! (Can't we go back to arranging marriages and skip the whole dating scene? He's not only cute but knows all the right things to say to a girl. We're in trouble!)

1 comment:

Allison said...

Yep! You're in BIG trouble!