I put Tyson down for a nap and told Danny I was going to take Kierstin shopping for clothes. This could be fun.... although I have to admit it usually is NOT. Kierstin hates to shop and I have to be in the mood for it. We were not off to a good start when I had to practically drag her out of the house. I put on a happy face and hoped for the best.
Things started looking better as soon as she walked into the store I chose for our spree. I was tickled to discover a 'Styles For Less' not far from our house. It's a "hip" young girl clothing store. Not your typical Target. We've been really striking out there lately. When we walked in she looked around for a few minutes and said "we need to come here more often." (Kierstin, correct me if I interpretted that wrong but I'm pretty sure I didn't). She actually tried on like 20 pieces and liked about 18 of them which we bought, ALL. It's rare to find stuff she likes. I was so tickled I didn't mind the bill. She has been so easy on my pocketbook all these years she deserves it. In the check-out line I called Danny and told him to get ready for his meeting and leave, Bradley could hold down the fort for 15 minutes or so, especially cuz Tyson was asleep.
We stop by our new favorite yogurt shop out here; 'Kool Bliss.' It has that new mangosteen yogurt that's been featured on Oprah. Supposed to be good for you even. You know it's good if it's not chocolate and I've become a regular there.
Anyway, the shop owner, who we've become friendly with, whips up our "usuals" (yes, he really knows what they are now), and my phone rings, it's home. I think, Tyson must have woken up and has pitched a fit. I don't even say hello, just I'm on my way home. It's Danny. He proceeds to tell me he's on his way to Priesthood Leadership or he'll be late (it's our stake conference) and he's REALLY SORRY but he has left me the BIGGEST MESS EVER to deal with!
I'm thinking, poopy diaper, mud, what could it be? Then he says, you know that big, unopened, Sams' Club sized jar of Teriyaki sauce in the pantry? Well, for some reason, Brian was in the pantry and managed to knock it off the shelf (even though it was 3 shelves up) and it is EVERYWHERE! UNDERSTATEMENT:

See all those food storage cans on the bottom floor, there's like 40 of them? I had to take them ALL out and wipe & dry them off and return them.

There was sauce on ALL the shelves and yes, that is a pic of the pantry ceiling!!

SO, THIS IS MY FIRST TAG, I'm tagging ALL those who read this post, to TOP THIS MESS!
P.S., I'm patting myself on the back. I did NOT flip out. It was a 3 hour pain, but I figured, it's one of those things. It's even already funny and made a fun blog!
Did Brian get out of helping clean up his mess?
Your kids have Mad Skilz!
You are my hero... seriously! To be so calm in such a mess is admirable!
I'm glad the shopping spree when so well.
I definitely can't top this mess, since I only have a 2 month old! I'll email you in a few years and I'm sure I'll have some great stories to share! ;) Bec, you're a trooper!
Ummmmm....can't be topped. WOW! Go Tyson! We sure had a great time visiting you guys!
I second Heather. That kid's got talent!
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