The forcast of rain did not deter us. I felt that even if they didn't have any air demostrations the boys would love being able to actually climb on some of the planes. So we packed up and took grandma Nancy along.
When we got there the line to get in was 2 stop light long. But while we were waiting in line we saw some of the planes actually giving an air demostration. It was an old bywing like they used in the first world war. The plane would go straight up, stall, come straight down and pull out just in time. It was AMAZING! Even Tyson was entertained while we were waiting our 30 minute turn to get into the base and park. I was glad they were entertained in line but I thought, I hope this is worth it...
It was overcast but warm enough to definately not need jackets. It was perfect considering we had to wait in a 40 minute line to get our bags checked so we could actually get onto the airstrip. I'm so glad Nancy and I sent the boys ahead (you could go right in if you didn't have a bag) while we waited in line. While we were waiting I thought, I hope this is worth it....
After we got the bags checked Nancy and I walked the mile, pushing the stroller and stuff up onto the airfield. It was a pleasant walk but I thought of Danny doing it with Tyson and the boys and thought, I hope it is worth it....
So we finally got there and I found Danny had paid for a ride on one of those bikes with a seat attached and you get ferried up there quicker. He had even fed the boys lunch. They were having fun checking out all the awesome planes and military vehicles like Brad on this tank:
And Bryce getting instruction in this rescue helicopter:
I have to admit the biggest surprise of all was that Tyson absolutely LOVED it all. I thought it was going to be one of those things where the planes might hold his attention for a minute or two but then I'd have to spend the rest of the time trying to find something to entertain him. NOT SO! His little eyes were riveted on those jets as they wisked by so fast that you saw them and then you heard them as they went by. A lot of little kids, and adults, cringed at the noise they made. Not Tyson. He just ate it all up! He was babbling a million miles an hour! this was from a kid who I work with constantly to try to say any kind of word at all! He did say "BBRROOOM, BBROOM!" complete with hand motions. Even now, if we ask him about the planes, he'll stop what he's doing, make his noise and try to go outside to find them.
It is absolutely thrilling to see those modern works of marvel at work! I know my dad worked on the stealth jet while working at Northrup. It's amazing that man can create such things.
However, I do admit, that I had to stop and think, just for a moment, how absolutely terrifying it would be to be on the target end of one of those modern works of destruction. How absolutely terrifying it would be and how helpless you would feel. I pray we never have to live on that end of things!
The Blue Angels were actually due to show at 4:00ish so we left before that to avoid the crowds and cuz it was general conference weekend and we wanted Danny to be able to try to catch the Priesthood session. (we did record Saturday's sessions).
Here's Grandma and Tyson, they were both just funned out.
My favorite pic. I saw Danny walking along with his boys with them just quizzing him with all manner of topics. They were so enjoying one another's company. I just had to capture the moment!
What a great day ... what a great post. Your pictures are priceless! You will be so glad that you are taking time to document these fun family times together.
I've put an Erin update on my last post. I hope that you will keep them in your prayers.
I look forward to seeing more of your darling family. Love, Lura
I tagged you. Go to my BLOG.
Hey you! You've been tagged by me too! Go to my blog.
Patrick is JEALOUS!! He is ga-ga over airplanes! What a fun activity! These are the types of activities that kids remember forever!
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