Sunday, October 5, 2008

Brian AKA "Frank"

We named our darling 4th child, Brian Alexander Baak. But sometimes I think he'd like to change his name to Frank. What I mean is he is so 'frank' and open about everything he does. He confesses every little oopsie or misdeed and has such a tender heart. He is easily moved to show a penitent little heart.

His remarks are constantly surprising me and Danny. He is open and honest in what he says. He prays earnestly and considerately for everyone.

So today, is general conference. We ask all the kids to sit and watch it. After it was over, Bryce asks if he has to watch the second session. We tell him not if he doesn't want to (he's 8) . Bradley asked if he had to watch the second session too. Yes, Danny replied, since he is older 11, and about to receive the Priesthood, we expect that he is old enough to do this, to which he offered the typical 11 year old response of how life was unfair that he had to sit a whole 4 hours which is longer than even church, etc.

As Bradley pouts up the stairs Brian turns and says, "I'm sorry mom, I can't watch the second session."

I mistake his meaning and say, "sure you can if you want to Brian."

"No mom, I can't."

Why not?

"I'm afraid my 5 year old self just does not have enough patience to sit 2 more whole hours. I have too many wiggles."

Then with a sorry expression; "Are you disappointed mom."

How can you be disappointed (where does he find these big words?) with such an open hearted, honest admission?

No Brian, never!


Kristin said...

I LOVE that kid! He is soooo cute. We miss that little sweetie, especially Sophie. She commented that she was sad you were gone as we drove by your place the other day. I love hearing the kid quotes!

Erin said...

Oh my goodness... what a sweetie! I just wish we lived closer, I would love to get to know your kids!

Thank you so much for your sweet comments... they mean a lot! We are feeling more and more peace everyday.

Heather said...

Drake is quite "Frank" also. I love it except for those many embarassing moments that come with being so "Frank".